Sunday, November 16, 2008

My wife and I were watching some TV last Tuesday when she said, "Oh, today is Veteran's Day. I forgot about that. Thanks, Dick."
I said, "You're welcome."
That was pretty much our Veteran's Day celebration. I'm not much for flags, parades, and those little hats with all the 'doo-dahs" on them. But, it's nice when friends and family acknowledge the fact that I wore this country's uniform for twenty years. So I have thought for several days about what would make me feel really "thanked," and I've come up with a short list: Let's stop creating so many "war veterans." If we do have to create war veterans, let's make sure it's not for a lie. Let's not spend young lives for foreign resources or because we are too lazy or too unintelligent to negotiate for what we want. Let's make sure our service people don't die for graft, greed or politics.
There once was a serviceman's Code of Conduct, the first article of which went something like this: I am a United States serviceman. I serve in the forces which guard my country and its way of life. I am prepared to give my life in its defence.
The key word here is "defence." Let's make sure the next one is for defence.


Glenda Council Beall said...

Richard, you say what I feel but much better than I can say it.
Thanks for this post. I hope many people read it.

Lynn ... said...

**a thunderous applause from the in-house delegation** Bravo Richard, VERY well said. My son Alex is 18 and it sickens me to think of him, well ... you know what I mean. If my son ever goes off to war, it better be for a darn good reason.

Love you blog!